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Brushy Mountain Club is for members and their guests only.  All applicants shall be of good moral character and shall make an application for membership on the form provided to them by a current sponsoring member. As a minimum the criteria are:

  • Shall be sponsored by two current members, both of whom shall have been in the Club for one calendar year or more, and signed by one officer or director (current or former). The officer or director may sign as one of the sponsoring members.

  • Shall have made at least two visits to the Club while accompanied by one or both of the co-sponsors and sponsors shall witness the actual gun handling, safety and shooting of said applicant. (Refer to NRA postings at club)

  • Shall have attended at least one monthly membership meeting. 

  • Shall have paid in full the amount required for one year’s dues and the current initiation fee. (Current fees noted on the application.)

  • Shall not have been convicted of a felony.

  • A membership cap (550) has been established by the Board and a waiting list for application acceptance of membership shall be maintained. Dependents of club members take precedence for acceptance over non-club members.

  • Membership meetings are held on the third Wednesdays at 7:00 pm (except in December).

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